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COHA rejects police attempt to evict activists protecting the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington DC

This is the 34th day of our living in the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC. We are prepared to stay another 34 days, or however long is needed to resolve the embassy dispute in a peaceful way consistent with international law. This memo is being sent to the US and Venezuela as well as members of our Collective and allies. We are encouraging people to publish this memo as a transparent process is needed to prevent the US from making a unilateral decision that could impact the security of embassies around the world and lead to military conflict.

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COHA in EnglishCOHA in the Public ArenaGeopoliticsHuman RightsPoliticsPress ReleasesSecurity and DefenseSouth America (featured)Venezuela

Stop the US War on Venezuela and Violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

The constitutional government of President Nicholas Maduro  has sole authority over its diplomatic missions and is recognized by the United Nations. There is therefore no legal basis for a de-facto ambassador nominated unilaterally by self-declared president Juan Guaidó to seize the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington DC.

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CanadaCOHA in EnglishGeopoliticsHuman RightsNorth AmericaNorth America (featured)Op-EdUnited StatesVenezuela

The U.S.’ Refusal of Entry to Arnold August Is a Dangerous Precedent for All Activists

On March 16, 2019, more than 1000 activists from across the U.S. gathered in Washington, DC for the “U.S Hands Off Venezuela!” demonstration.  However, Canadian journalist Arnold August was not one of them – earlier in the day he was unjustly denied entry into the United States at U.S. Customs and Immigration in the Montreal Airport. 

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