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US Raid on the Venezuelan Embassy Violates Vienna Convention and Undermines Regional Sovereignty

The US raid on the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington DC and the arrest of the four protectors from the Embassy Protection Collective constitutes a flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention of 1961 and represents a new low in Washington’s conduct of hemispheric affairs. This serious violation of a diplomatic mission and the arrest of its invited protectors undermines the sanctity of embassies not only in the United States, but also throughout the world.

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Central AmericaCOHA in EnglishGeopoliticsPanamaSecondary

TUG-OF-WAR: Forced Labor on the New Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal Authority completed a five billion dollar expansion in 2016, introducing a new set of locks, adding a new, wider sea lane able to haul twice as many supertankers between the Atlantic and the Pacific as before. But instead of hiring extra personnel needed to meet the increased workload, the Panama Canal simply doubled-down on the workload for existing employees, stretching them past the brink of exhaustion, and creating a deadly climate of fatigue embedded in a labor struggle on the isthmus.

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