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COHA Announcement: COHA Senior Fellow Analyzes Russian Foreign Policy for Argentine Think Tank CAEI

The Council on Hemispheric Affairs is pleased to announce that Senior Research Fellow W. Alejandro Sanchez has contributed to the latest report of the “Russia Observatory,” published by the Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales (CAEI), an Argentine think tank. In his contribution, Sanchez analyzes foreign policy initiatives carried out by the Russian Federation between September, October and November of 2013.

A PDF copy of the Observatory (Issue No 6) , in Spanish, can be accessed by clicking here.

Sanchez also contributed to Issue No 5 of CAEI’s “Russia Observatory”  and drafted a comprehensive and well-received essay entitled: “Pax Inca: Why Is Peru Not a Regional Powerhouse in Latin America?” (CAEI Working Paper  32).

Over the years Sanchez has extensively written on Russia’s foreign policy towards the Western Hemisphere in terms of diplomatic initiatives, commercial relations and particularly weapon sales. Some of his essays on this issue include:

“Russia and Latin America at the dawn of the twenty-first century.” Journal of Transatlantic Studies. December 2010 Volume 8, Issue 4.

“Russia gives Cuba debt bailout.” VOXXI. December 13, 2013.

“Weapons Diplomacy: Russian Defense Minister Skips Venezuela during Latin American Tour.” (With COHA Research Associate Ian Kowalski). Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Research. November 11, 2013.

“Russian Warships visit Cuba: Geopolitical considerations.” VOXXI. August 6, 2013.

“Brazil’s Foreign policy: Putting the B in Brics.” (With COHA Research Associate Amandha Lopes). Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Policy Memo #1. April 25, 2013.


Photo Source: CAEI.
Photo Source: CAEI.

Comunicado del Consejo de Asuntos Hemisféricos

El Consejo de Asuntos Hemisféricos se complace en anunciar que nuestro analista principal W. Alejandro Sánchez ha contribuido al nuevo reporte “Observatorio de Rusia,” publicado por el Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales (CAEI). En su contribución, Sánchez analiza la política exterior de la Federación Rusa entre Septiembre, Octubre y Noviembre del 2013.

Una copia PDF del Observatorio (No 6), se puede encontrar haciendo un click aquí.

Sánchez también ha contribuido al reporte No 5 del “Observatorio de Rusia” de CAEI  y ha escrito un comprensivo ensayo:  “Pax Inca: Why Is Peru Not a Regional Powerhouse in Latin America?” (CAEI Working Paper  32) donde analiza las razones por las que Peru no es una potencia regional en Latino América.

A través de los años, Sánchez ha escribo varios ensayos y análisis sobre la política exterior rusa hacia las Américas, discutiendo iniciativas diplomáticas, relaciones comerciales y, en particular, venta de armamento. Algunos de sus ensayos son:

“Russia and Latin America at the dawn of the twenty-first century.” Journal of Transatlantic Studies. December 2010 Volume 8, Issue 4.

“Russia gives Cuba debt bailout.” VOXXI. December 13, 2013.

“Weapons Diplomacy: Russian Defense Minister Skips Venezuela during Latin American Tour.” (With COHA Research Associate Ian Kowalski). Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Research. November 11, 2013

“Russian Warships visit Cuba: Geopolitical considerations.” VOXXI. August 6, 2013.

“Brazil’s Foreign policy: Putting the B in Brics.” (With COHA Research Associate Amandha Lopes). Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Policy Memo #1. April 25, 2013.