South America

BrazilOp-EdPress Releases

Lula’s Growth Acceleration Program: The Best that Brazilian Government Funding Can Buy?

Mexico and the Merida Initiative – A Difficult Call

The Merida Initiative initially would provide US$550 million in aid aimed at countering criminal organizations in Mexico and Central America. It would supply training, equipment and long-term technical support to recipient governments. However, the plan would impose several conditions on the aid, stipulations which Mexico believes threaten its sovereignty. Mexico’s Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa was only one of a number of Mexican Public figures who informed the United States Congress that the Merida Initiative does not represent “genuine cooperation and co-responsibility,” and is unacceptable in its current form.

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Lula’s Brazilian Growth Acceleration Program: The Best that Government Funding Can Buy?

As Brazil’s economy continues to improve, social programs are receiving increased funding and visibility from the government. In particular, many of the region-specific projects of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) aim to improve the country’s infrastructure as Brazil’s overall economic growth further benefits the country, including earning a coveted high investment rating from Standard & Poors (S&P).

The recognition alone has helped to maintain the trend of increasing flows of foreign investment into Brazil and, combined with an ever-increasing demand for food and oil- Brazil’s two strongest exports- the country has a unique opportunity to direct more funding towards social improvement. But are these programs the best vehicles for sustainable social change in the areas of poverty, corruption and racial and sexual inequality? With this economic opportunity comes great responsibility to use government funds in the most effective and equitable way, and it remains to be seen whether the PAC is up to the challenge.

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