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The Council on Hemispheric Affairs is pleased to highlight the most recent work of one of its most active young scholars, COHA Senior Research Fellow W. Alejandro Sanchez.

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His most recent essay is: “Misiones Singularmente Complicadas: El Rol del Peru en las Operaciones de Paz de las Naciones Unidas.” Sanchez’s work was initially published in Perspectivas, a journal by the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies of the National Defense University. (Vol. 2, July 2014, P. 7-19).

To access a free PDF copy of this essay click here.


Sanchez’ analysis discusses Peru’s contributions to over a dozen UN peacekeeping operations since 1958 to the present. In order to advance his argument, he carries out case studies of Peru’s role in two particular missions: the “Batallón Peru,” which participated in the peace missions after the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, and the “Compañia Peru,” which currently forms part of MINUSTAH, the ongoing UN peace mission in Haiti. Finally, COHA’s analyst carries out an in-depth discussion of Peru’s present political, security, and economic situation, pondering the question whether Lima could realistically increase its contributions to UN peacekeeping missions in the near future.

W. Alejandro Sanchez is COHA’s dedicated specialist on geopolitics, military and cyber security issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. He regularly appears in a variety of media outlets and is a regular contributor to publications such as VOXXI and Blouin News. He is also an alumna of the Perry Center. You can follow Sanchez via his Twitter at: @W_Alex_Sanchez.

Peruvian peacekeeper in the Golan Heights, Israel-Syria border, circa June 1974. Photo copyright by: Wilder Sanchez

Sanchez has published various articles on Latin America contributions to UN peacekeeping missions:

“Brazil’s Grand Design for Combining Global South Solidarity and National Interests: A Discussion of Peacekeeping Operations in Haiti and Timor.” Globalizations. 2012 Special Issue. Volume 9, Issue 1. Pages 161-178 (contact COHA via e-mail if you would like a PDF of this essay)

“Contributor Profile: Peru.” Providing for Peacekeeping Project. October 21, 2013.

“Peacekeeping and Military Operations by Latin American Militaries: Between Being a Good Samaritan and Servicing the National Interest.” Report. Council on Hemispheric Affairs. January 22, 2010.

If you would like to contact Mr. Sanchez regarding his latest analysis, or with the offices of any other of our other specialists, we invite you to do so via e-mail at [email protected] or by calling our offices at + Also, be sure to follow us via our free e-newsletter and social media accounts.