Re: “Diálogos: otros sectores que piden pista”

Dear Editor,
The article “Diálogos: otros sectores que piden pista,” included in the recent issue of Revista Semana, suggests that is important to develop an effective means to include more relevant sectors of the Colombian population within the negotiation process of the FARC peace talks. However, your article fails to consider the plausible steps available to the government to develop such an inclusionary process in the first place.
It is important to note that the topics established in the parties’ General Agreement are under negotiation, and all of them are subject to the wishes of the Colombian population. However, it is essential to remember the fact that the national government and the guerrilla group are the ones facilitating actual decision-making. Thus, with a variety of voices introduced into the conversation, the efficiency of the talks could be compromised given that recent history has demonstrated that it is easier to forge agreements with a small number of individuals rather than a large group.
It is important to take into account that the main purpose of the current negotiations is to ultimately resolve the armed conflict. Only after such progress will it be possible to pursue more definitive peace in Colombia. During this process, it is natural that all sectors of the population will seek out a collaborative effort to achieve a stable political environment, but realistic outcomes may have to temper expectations.
Daniel Carrillo, Research Associate at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs
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