Mexican Authorities Stumble Across Largest Marijuana Production Operation to Date
In Baja California, authorities discovered an estimated USD 160 million worth of marijuana plants spanning approximately 300 acres and entirely shielded by cacti plants. According to Mexican authorities, this is the largest plantation ever to be discovered in Mexico. Since 2006, the war on drugs in Mexico led by President Felipe Calderon has been intensely dedicated to mitigating the nation’s drug trafficking business. Last November, authorities discovered “two long, sophisticated tunnels under the border between Baja California and California, along with more than 40 tons of marijuana in and around the tunnels.” These tunnels were believed to belong to the Sinaloa cartel, which has been growing in Mexico since previously dominant cartels have been increasingly weakened as a result of government efforts in Mexico. In fact, across Latin America, efforts against the production and movement of illegal drugs are rising in response to the detrimental repercussions associated with the drug trade. Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) José Miguel Insulza, along with many other leaders in Latin America, points to narco-trafficking as the largest threat currently facing Latin America. While Thursday’s discovery does not indicate major strides in the movement against drug cartels by itself, the discovery of such a large plantation conveys the dedication of Mexican government to stifle trafficking efforts.