Destruction and Devastation in Central America

A week of continuous torrential rains has caused severe flooding in some of the most vulnerable parts of El Salvador, prompting President Mauricio Funes to declare a state of emergency. Unable to withstand the constant rain, multiple rivers have spilled over, flooding 14,000 communities and causing landslides across the nation. So far, the landslides have claimed thirty-two lives, obstructed over fourteen freeways, and displaced some 32,000 people now seeking refuge in and outside of the small Central American nation. These countries face their own troubles as well. Twenty-nine deaths were reported in Guatemala, thirteen people were killed in Honduras, and eight died in Nicaragua, all victims of the same natural disaster. Experts say that the accumulated rain has set a record for most rain ever registered in the history of El Salvador, with heavy rains expected to worsen overnight and continue through Thursday.
The severe flooding will have lasting consequences for the already economically unstable farmers in the rural areas of El Salvador who have lost their crops in the storm. Citizens now look to the Funes administration to help the nation rebuild in this time of devastation.
This analysis was prepared by former COHA Research Associate Gabriela Acosta.